The API is the heart of Bothan, where you submit the data you want to store and visualise. There is also a read portion of the API that allows you to list metrics for a given time period.

Software Libraries

There are two libraries that make interfacing with Bothan super easy:

Adding data

All POST requests require a username and password (sent via basic auth)

POST https://username:[email protected]/metrics/{metric-name}

using a JSON content type, and with the following JSON in the body:

  "time": "{iso8601-date-time}",
  "value": ...

cURL example:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "time": "2016-04-12T10:00:00",
  "value": 500
}' "https://username:[email protected]/metrics/simple-value"

value can be in any one of the following formats:

Simple value

The simplest format that a value can take is a single number. For example:

  "time": "{iso8601-date-time}",
  "value": 123

Value with a target

A value can also be a JSON object with an actual, annual_target and an optional ytd_target. For example:

  "time": "{iso8601-date-time}",
  "value": {
    "actual": 1091000,
    "annual_target": 2862000,
    "ytd_target": 1368000


  "time": "{iso8601-date-time}",
  "value": {
    "actual": 1091000,
    "annual_target": 2862000

Multiple values

If you want to track multiple values for one metric (for example, diversity data), we can do that too:

  "time": "{iso8601-date-time}",
  "value": {
    "total": {
      "value1": 123,
      "value2": 23213,
      "value4": 1235

Geographical data

Want to add geodata to visualise on a map? You got it! Simply POST your data with an iso8601 DateTime, with a GeoJSON FeatureCollection as the value. For example:

  "time": "{iso8601-date-time}",
  "value": {
    "type:": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
        "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
            [-2.6156582783015017, 54.3497405310758]
        "type": "Feature",
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
           [-6.731370299641439, 55.856756177781186]

Any type of geometry is supported. For more information, check out the GeoJSON spec.

Adding metrics

If a {metric-name} is sent by a POST and does not already exist in the Bothan instance then a new metric will be created.

Deleting metrics

There is currently no way to delete a metric within an instance of Bothan.

Fetching data

GET https://demo.bothan.io/metrics[.json]

Fetches list of available metrics

GET https://demo.bothan.io/metrics/{metric_name}[.json]

Fetches latest value for specified metric

GET https://demo.bothan.io/metrics/{metric_name}/{time}

Fetch the most recent value of the metric at the specified time. time is an ISO8601 date/time.

GET https://demo.bothan.io/metrics/{metric_name}/{from}/{to}

Fetch all values of the metric between the specified times. from and to can be either:

Setting metadata

You can also set a limited amount of metadata via the API:

POST https://demo.bothan.io/metrics/{metric-name}/metadata

Currently accepted attributes are:

Sample request

  "type": "chart",
  "name": {
    "en": "My cool chart",
    "fr": "Mon tableau fraîche"
  "description": {
    "en": "A chart showing some great data",
    "fr": "Un tableau montrant un grand données"

Visualising data

While this is primarily a JSON API, some of our endpoints will also serve HTML. Primarily:

GET https://demo.bothan.io/metrics/{metric_name}/{from}/{to}

(or GET https://demo.bothan.io/metrics/{metric_name} which will redirect to a default time-range of the last 30 days)

query-string options

The rendering can be manipulated by the following query-string options:


One of:

Default: rich


One of:

    "actual": value,
    "annual_target": value,
    "ytd_target": value,

Default: chart


Background colour for the chart or number, in hex. Note that you should not pass the leading #. Also note the English spelling

Default: ddd


Text colour (and line colour for the chart), in hex. Note that you should not pass the leading #. Also note the English spelling

Default: 222


meta-refresh interval for the page

Default: none

Example: https://demo.bothan.io/metrics/github-open-issue-count?boxcolour=fa8100&textcolour=00ffff&layout=bare